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Date Country Category Report Title
2020.03.09 Malaysia Manufacturers New Models Market Proton: X70, Upgraded Saga Pushed Up Sales in 2019, Automaker Recovering to 2nd Place in Malaysia
2020.03.09 Japan Market Import Japan’s Imported Vehicle Market in 2019: Sales Plunge After Tax Hike, Typhoon
2020.03.09 China Manufacturers New Models Market China’s SUV Market: Chinese Share Declines; EU, Japanese Companies Expand Sales
2020.03.02 China Government Policy Production Impact of New Coronavirus: Chinese Automobile Production Forecast to Decline 600,000 Units in January, 1.13 Million Units in February
2020.03.02 Vietnam Myanmar Thailand Manufacturers Production Lead-acid Battery Business in ASEAN, Hitachi Chemical Restructures Thai Operations
2020.03.02 India Other Manufacturers Market Motorcycle Sharing in India, Bounce, Vogo Expand Business Mainly in Bangalore
2020.03.02 China Technology China’s BEV Charging Infrastructure Increased to 1.21 Million Charging Poles in 2019
2020.03.02 Myanmar China Japan Manufacturers Finance Sales Toyota Motor’s Global Production and Sales Are Expected to Slightly Increase in 2020
2020.02.17 China Finance Government Policy The Issue of “Forced” Technology Transfer in China
2020.02.17 India Production Market India’s Automobile Sales Drop in 28 Administrative Divisions Out of 33 in YTD September 2019
2020.02.17 Japan S. Korea ASEAN Manufacturers Finance Market Grab Expands Capital, Business Tie-ups with Toyota, Yamaha, Hyundai Group
2020.02.17 Japan Manufacturers Technology Sales Japanese Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers’ Major Business Trends from 2020
2020.02.10 India China Manufacturers New Models Technology India’s BEV Bus Sector: China’s BYD, Beiqi Foton Are Second Only to Local Players
2020.02.10 Pakistan Manufacturers Technology Production Pakistan’s Motorcycle Production Declines Double-digits in FY 2018/2019
2020.02.10 China Finance Government Policy China Implements New Foreign Investment Law in 2020
2020.02.03 Germany Japan Suppliers Technology High-accuracy Positioning Terminal Estimates Vehicle Position Within a Few Centimeters
2020.02.03 China Japan Manufacturers Market Global Smart City Initiatives by Countries, Automakers
2020.02.03 Japan Germany Technology Hitachi Zosen Promotes Methanation to Realize Carbon Neutral Operations
2020.01.27 World(General) Technology Next-generation E/E Architecture Aims for Central Vehicle Control ECU
2020.01.27 Japan Europe(General) World(General) Technology MHIET Develops Turbochargers Suitable for the Age of Electrification