2035 Outlook for the Global Electric Motorcycle Industry

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Pages: 144
Price: 287000 JPY


Electric motorcycle sales and production trends and projection until 2035 Production, sales and exports activities of leading electric motorcycle makers Introduction of local charging infrastructure development and core electric motorcycle models Overview of local purchase and production support measures of electric motorcycles Cover’s the world’s major motorcycle markets and manufacturing countries! • China • Indonesia • Pakistan • Taiwan • Vietnam • Argentina • Colombia • France • Italy • United Kingdom • Türkiye • India • Japan • Philippines • Thailand • Brazil • United States • Germany • Spain • Other European Countries • African Countries


Chapter 1. Global Electric Motorcycle Industry

  1. Electric Motorcycle-related Policies Around the World
    • Electric Motorcycle Promotion and Industry Development Measures in Major Markets
  2. Global Electric Motorcycle Market Trends and Outlook for 2035
    • China Accounts for 80% of Global Electric Motorcycle Sales, but India / ASEAN’s Share to Surpass 50% in 2035
  3. Global Electric Motorcycle Industry Trends and Outlook for 2035
    • China’s Global Electric Motorcycle Production to Drop Toward 2035, While India / ASEAN to See Expansion

Chapter 2. Electric Motorcycle Industry in Asia

  1. India: New Policies and Domestic Production Are Keys to Growth
    • FAME II Accelerates the Popularization and Production of Electric Vehicles
    • Ola Electric Mobility Led Sales in 2023 for the Second Consecutive Year
    • Electric Motorcycle Production Capacity Stood at 3.44 million Units in 2023
    • Local Companies Are Actively Entering the Electric Parts Sector
    • Charging Infrastructure Is Under Development Mainly in High Income Areas
    • Future Development Depends on New Policies Covering Biofuels and Local EV Parts Production
  2. Pakistan: Demand for Electric Vehicles Is Limited Due to Emphasis on Asset Value of Motorcycles
    • Fifty Percent Electric Vehicle Ratio Is Aimed in the Motorcycle Market by 2030
    • Nearly Two Dozen Manufacturers Are Licensed to Make Electric Motorcycles
    • Creation of Electric Motorcycle Market Continues, but Honda Dominates with Outstanding Asset
  3. Indonesia: Limited Demand for Electric Vehicles; High Dependency on Chinese Products
    • Policies Aimed at Building an Electric Vehicle Ecosystem Are Becoming More Active
    • Introduction of Purchase Subsidies Stimulates the Launch of New Products, but Electric Motorcycle Demand Is Limited
    • Local Assembly Plans for Electric Motorcycles Are Underway, but Localization of Core Electric Parts Is Unresolved
    • Electric Motorcycle Sales to Reach 1.2 million Units in 2035, Production to Rise to 1.1 Million Units
  4. Thailand: Demand for Electric Vehicles Is Small Due to Market Structure, Unclear Product Value
    • Promoting the Electric Vehicle Industry for Energy Security, Carbon Neutrality, and Innovation-based Economy
    • Electric Motorcycle Sales Doubled in 2023 to Over 20,000 Units
    • Moderate Demand Growth Is Expected Owing to Brand Power and Convenience
  5. Vietnam: Purchase Subsidy System for Electric Motorcycles Has Yet to Be Introduced
    • Motorcycle Driving Regulations Scheduled to Be Introduced in Urban Areas in 2030
    • Mopeds Dominate the Electric Motorcycle Market Led by Battery Rental Company VinFast
    • VinFast Leads the Electric Motorcycle Industry amid Strong Demand for Honda’s Gasoline Products
  6. Philippines: Demand for L3 Electric Motorcycles Is Increasing but Mainly for Commercial Use
    • Focusing on Fuel Efficiency to Reduce Energy Consumption in the Short Term
    • Chinese Players Are Increasing Their Presence in the Philippines, but Demand Has Yet to Expand
    • Sales of Mainly Chinese and Taiwanese Brands Are Expected to Reach 200,000 Units in 2035
  7. China: Chinese Brands Dominate the Domestic Market
    • Revision of Electric Bicycle Standards Generated Large-scale Replacement Demand
    • CCCM Member Manufacturers’ Electric Motorcycle Sales Reached 6.5 Million Units in 2023
    • Electric Motorcycle Manufacturers Began to Build Smart Factories
    • Electric Motorcycle Manufacturers Aim to Reduce Costs with Graphene and Sodium-ion Batteries
    • Domestic Demand Is Expected to Decline Toward 2035, but Production Will Increase Driven by Overseas Business Expansion
  8. Taiwan: All-solid-state Batteries to Lead to New Growth in Electric Motorcycle Sales
    • New Roadmap Sets a 100% Electrification Target for New Motorcycle Sales in 2040
    • Electric Motorcycle Sales to Continue to Account for Around 10% of All Motorcycle Sales
    • Local Manufacturers to Start Full-scale Overseas Business from 2024
    • Becoming a Global Production Base of Electric Motorcycles Could Be Achieved Through Realizing Mass Production of Solid-state Batteries and Cost Reduction
  9. Japan: Slow Advancement of Electric Vehicle Business by Motorcycle Manufacturers
    • Few Eligible Electric Motorcycle Models for Purchasing Subsidies
    • Motorcycle Makers Pay Little Attention to the Electric Vehicle Sector

Chapter 3. Electric Motorcycle Industry in the Americas

  1. United States: Electric Vehicle Sales Are Expected to Grow from 2028 Onward Supported by ZEV Regulations
    • California Mandates Sales of Electric Motorcycles by Introducing ZEM Credit Program
    • From 2028 Onward, Sales of Electric Vehicles Is Expected to Expand due to California’s ZEM and Dirt Bike Regulations
  2. Brazil: Government Promotes Biofuels, Aiming for Electric Vehicle Ratio to Be 2-6% in 2035
    • Government Promotes Biofuels While Mostly Overlooks Electric Motorcycles
    • Leading Electric Motorcycle Company Voltz Is in Financial Trouble with Market Ratio of EVs Remaining at 0.54% in 2023
  3. Argentina: Weakened by Economic Crisis, Demand for Electric Motorcycles Is Unlikely to Expand
    • Amid Economic Crisis, Preferential Treatment for Electric Motorcycles Receives Little Support
    • Annual Electric Motorcycle Sales Are Less Than 2,000 Units
  4. Colombia: Gasoline Prices Soar, but Demand for Electric Vehicles Does Not Increase
    • Gasoline Subsidies to Be Phased Out, Concerns over Delays in Power Infrastructure Development Is Growing
    • Demand for Electric Motorcycles Is Not Stimulated Despite Rising Gasoline Prices

Chapter 4. Electric Motorcycle Industry in Europe

  1. France: Demand for EVs to Increase Due to Restrictions on ICEVs
    • Purchasing Subsidies and Preferential Treatment in Urban Areas Promote Electric Motorcycle Use
    • Following Weakening Sales in 2023-2024, Demand Is Expected to Expand from 2025
  2. Spain: High Prices and High Youth Unemployment Rate Are the Bottlenecks to Expanding Demand for Electric Vehicles
    • Purchase Subsidy for Electric Motorcycles to End in July 2024; Subsidy Payment to Be Sped Up
    • Manufacturers Struggle with Attracting Private Demand
  3. Italy: Electric Vehicle Share Is Expected to Increase in the Long Term
    • Electric Motorcycle Purchase Subsidy Is Scheduled to Run Until 2026
    • Sales of Electric Motorcycles Decreased by 25% in 2023 Despite the Availability of Subsidies
  4. Germany: Electric Vehicle Sales Remain Low As Motorcycle Market Is Dominated by Products for Leisure Activities
    • No Subsidies Introduced for Electric Motorcycles by the Federal Government
    • Sales of Electric Motorcycles Surged in 2022 Due to GHG Bonus, but Declined Sharply from 2023
  5. United Kingdom: Zero Emissions for All L Category Vehicles Is Under Consideration by 2035
    • Category L1 Vehicles to Become Zero Emission by 2030
    • The Future of Zero Emission Products in the L3 Category Is Uncertain
  6. Other European Countries: Electrification of Mopeds Progresses in the Netherlands and Belgium
    • Introduction of Low-emission Zones Is Expanding in Europe
    • L1e Electric Vehicle Ratio Is 60% in Belgium and 40% in the Netherlands

Chapter 5. Electric Motorcycle Industry in Other Regions

  1. Türkiye (Turkey): New Women Drivers Are Pushing Up Demand for Electric Motorcycles
    • Electric Motorcycles Receive Little Government Support
    • Possibility to Become an Export Hub to the EU Is Growing
  2. African Countries: Promoting the Electrification of Motorcycle Taxis Is Gaining Momentum
    • Electrification of Motorcycle Taxis Is Intended to Reduce Gasoline Import
    • Rising Interest in Swappable-battery Motorcycle Taxis

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