FOURIN, Inc. started a cooperative relationship with OICA (In French: Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles. In English: International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers) in January 2013.
In an effort to acquire accurate monthly surveys and comprehensive overview of global vehicle sales, OICA has asked FOURIN for regular research cooperation regarding data of non-OICA-member countries, especially in Asia. Data provided by FOURIN is posted on OICA's website.
For this reason, on April 11, 2013, FOURIN's Vice President Kubo Tetsuo paid a courtesy visit to OICA headquarters to meet OICA executives.

What is OICA?
OICA is an international association whose members are national automotive associations. The full name of the organization is Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles or "International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers." Located in Paris, France, it is the headquarters of the global automotive industry. Currently, it has some 40 members. OICA facilitates the exchange of opinions among manufacturers, conducts international coordination and consultation on local and national automobile regulations, certifies and sponsors international automobile exhibitions, and performs statistical work on automobile production and sales from a global perspective.