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Date Country Category Report Title
2023.08.28 China Sales Electric Vehicles China’s PHEV Market Grows Faster Than BEV, HEV
2023.08.22 Other Electric Vehicles Evaluation of Global Automakers’ EV Transition
2023.06.19 Asia (General) Sales Production Electric Vehicles Asia’s Electric Vehicle Sales and Production Results in 2022
2023.05.15 India Market Motorcycles Electric Vehicles Ola Electric Launches Entry-level S1 Air Scooter to Boost Presence in BEV Market
2023.04.27 China Japan Automobiles Electric Vehicles Company Activities BYD Launches 3 BEV Cars in 2023, Aims for 100 Stores by 2025 in Japan
2023.03.22 India Motorcycles Electric Vehicles India’s Electric Motorcycle Sales in 2022
2023.01.27 Taiwan New Models Electric Vehicles Batteries Taiwan’s KYMCO Launched Six BEV Models, Installed 2,000 Swapping Stations in 2022
2023.01.12 China Market Automobiles Electric Vehicles China’s NEV Market Forecast for 2023
2022.12.16 Sales Market Electric Vehicles Europe’s ECV (PHEV / BEV) Sales in YTD September 2022
2022.12.16 Asia (General) Sales Electric Vehicles Global PHEV / BEV Sales in YTD June 2022
2022.12.07 Sales Electric Vehicles United States’ EV Sales in YTD June 2022 – Toyota Controlled 30% of the Market
2022.11.29 Japan Market Export Automobiles Overview of Japan’s Automobile Exports in the Past 10 Years
2022.10.21 China Japan Thailand Electric Vehicles Manufacturers Chinese OEMs Step Up Investment in Thailand’s BEV Sector Leaving Japanese Manufacturers Behind
2022.08.22 Taiwan Electric Vehicles Powertrain Company Activities Gogoro: Professing Strength in In-house Powertrain Solutions Such as Swapping Batteries and Drive Units
2022.08.19 China Motorcycles Electric Vehicles Company Activities Super SOCO: Strengthening Electric Motorcycle Products with New Launches; Introducing Battery Swapping System for Scooters
2022.08.12 Electric Vehicles Company Activities Askoll EVA: Seeing Sluggish Sales in the Face of Fierce Competition in Italy
2022.08.04 China Motorcycles Electric Vehicles Niu Technologies: Sold 1 Million Electric Mobility Units Worldwide and Raised Annual Production Capacity to 2 Million Units in 2021
2022.08.03 Taiwan Technology Electric Vehicles Company Introduction Gogoro: Aiming to Build a HaaS Business Model with Swapping Batteries
2022.08.02 India Japan Electric Vehicles Company Activities Toyota Motor’s Business Developments in India’s EV Sector
2022.07.12 Asia (General) Sales Market Automobiles Global BEV / PHEV Market Led by Chinese, EU Brands; Japanese OEMs Lack Serious Presence