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Toyota Motor’s Global Financial Results in FY 2022
Toyota Motor's consolidated financial results for fiscal year 2022 were as follows: operating revenue increased 18.4% year-on-year to 37.2 trillion JPY, but operating income dropped 9.0% year-on-year to 2.7 trillion JPY. Sales increased by more than 5.8 trillion JPY from the previous year, reaching a record high level. Consolidated sales went up 7.2% year-on-year to 8.82 million units, but did not reach the pre-corona level of fiscal year 2019’s 8.95 million units. On the other hand, operating profit decreased by 270.6 billion yen due to soaring material prices and increased expenses. In its financial results announcement this time, Toyota provided more explanations about its production volume forecast than in the previous year, showing consideration to make it easier for suppliers to make forecasts amid the uncertain future.
The significant increase in sales was due to a surge in the number of vehicles sold and a rise in the unit price of vehicles. Toyota's consolidated automobile sales volume in FY 2022 increased by 7.2% year-on-year to 8.822 million units, going up in all regions around the world. In addition, operating revenue per vehicle increased by 356,000 JPY to 3,831,000 JPY due to the increase in the sales ratio of electric vehicles (28.4% → 29.6%) and the high added value of ADAS functions.